How to Write a Rental Application email

Posted on 1st November 2021 by Joanne Hayden

How to Write a Rental Application Email.

So you have finally decided to move to an English speaking country. Congratulations! So whether this move relates to work or study, one of your main priorities will be to find suitable accommodation,  which as we all know can be very difficult.  So let me help you here.  

Your email should contain the following information:

  • Brief introduction to yourself;
  • Indicate your strong interest in the property / room;
  • Indicate that you have the means to pay for the rent every month, on time;
  • Give a reference from previous landlords or employers;
  • Finally, suggest that you would like to view the property asap. 

Here is a sample email:

Hi, my name is Joanne Hayden, I’m 25 and I am very interested in renting this room.  I have just moved from Spain to Dublin, where I am about to start a full-time job as an IT programmer. The location of this apartment is ideal as my company is located only 2km’s away. I am organised, clean and tidy and really enjoy getting to know new people. Would it be possible to view this apartment, at a time that suits you, as I am available all this week?

Kindest regards,


*References are available on request;


You might ask “how important is writing good English in an email”.  The answer is: very important.  Remember, this is the first impression a landlord will have of you and writing an email in clear, accurate and concise English is a big advantage when trying to rent a property.  Ask someone who speaks fluent English to check it before you press that send button. 


Expressions such as “I want to see the property” – or “ I need to see the property” – “When can I expect to see the room?” while they might be perfectly ok in your language are deemed rude and far too direct in English.

Try using expressions like:

“I would really like to visit the property at a time that is convenient to you.” 

“I would really appreciate a viewing of the property at a time that suits you.”  

“Would it be possible to view the property this weekend? I am available at a time that is convenient.”

If you have any questions regarding letter writing in English, please feel free to contact me. I always reply to queries. And the best of luck with your search for accommodation.